How To Maintain My Swimming Pool

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Let Us Worry About Your Pool Cleaning Whilst You Focus On More Important Things. We Do Once Off Swimming Pool Cleaning And Monthly Scheduled Maintenance. Contact Us Today For A Crystal Pool In Your Backyard!

How do I get rid of Algae?

How Do I Get Rid Of Green Algae On Pool Walls And Floor Or My Pool Walls Feel Slimy?

This can Be Removed By Brushing And Correcting The pH. If The Problem Persists Try Adding hth Green Algaecide (follow directions for use)

Black Algae

How Do I Remove Black Patches On Walls?

This Cannot Be Removed By Brushing. Try Correcting The pH And Adding hth All-in-One Algaecide And Follow Directions For Use.

Slimy Patches

How Do I Remove Slimy Patches On Walls And Floor That Cannot Be Removed By Brushing?

Correct pH And Try Adding hth All-in-One Algaecide (follow directions for use)

How To Change The Color Of My Pool From Green To Blue

Green Water

If There’s No Chlorine Reading Or Low Chlorine Reading, Correct Your pH And Shock Treat With hth Granular Chlorine, hth Shock-it Or Simply Add hth Green to Blue

If Your Pool Water Is Bright Green And The Levels Of Chlorine And Stabilizer Are High, The Only Solution Would Be To Drain A Portion Of Pool Water By Placing Multiport Valve On Waste And Topping Up With Fresh Water. Repeat Until Stabilizer Level Is Within Ideal Range. (There Are No Products That Reduce Stabilizer Level).

If Your Water Turns Green When Chlorine, Metal Based Products Or Borehole Water Is Used, Try Correcting Your pH And Adding hth Metal Remover. If Problem Persists Shock Treat With hth Granular Chlorine or hth Shock-it (Follow directions for use)

How To Not Make My Pool Water Cloudy

Cloudy Water

If Water Is Cloudy But You Can See The Bottom Of The Pool? Backwash And Rinse The Filter, Add hth Cloudy to Clear And Filter For Correct Number Of Hours. An Alternative Would Be To Correct pH And Add hth Sparkle-it Cube Or Liquid

If Water Is So Cloudy That You Can’t See The Bottom Of The Pool? Backwash And Rinse The Filter, Correct pH And Add hth Xtreme Flocc And hth Metal Remover (Follow directions for use). This Treatment Requires Manual Vacuuming

Stagnent Water

If Water Looks Dark Green/Black, Has Been Left Untreated Or Pool Pump/Filter Has Not Been Working For An Extended Period Of Time? Correct pH And Add hth Xtreme Flocc, hth Metal Remover And Shock Treat. (Follow directions for use). Treatment Requires Manual Vacuuming.

How Do I Remove Stains In My Pool


Are You Having Trouble With Brown/Yellow Marks On Pool Lining And They Won’t Brush Off? Treatment Requires A Double Dose Of hth Metal Remover Or hth Stain Lift And Prevent.(Follow directions for use)

Are You Having Trouble With Black/Blue Marks On Pool Lining And They Won’t Brush Off? Treatment Requires A Double Dose Of hth Metal Remover Or hth Stain Lift And Prevent.(Follow directions for use)

Are You Having Trouble With Green/Yellow Marks On Pool Lining And They Won’t Brush Off? Treatment Requires A Double Dose Of hth Metal Remover. (Follow directions for use).

How To Maintain My Swimming Pool

Maintain Swimming Pool Chemical Levels

Prevent Staining And Damage To Linings And Fittings

  • pH 7.2 -7.6
  • Total Alkalinity (TA) 80-120ppm
  • Stabilizer <50ppm
  • Chlorine 1-3ppm
  • Copper/Iron 0

High Levels Of Stabilizer May Result In Insufficient Free Chlorine And Harmful Bacteria In Your Pool Water.


Filtering May Vary Due To Pool Volume And Pump/Filter Throughput

  • Summer 12 Hours/Night
  • Winter 6-8 Hours / Night
  • Backwash 2 Minutes And 20 Seconds Every 2 Weeks Or Cleaner Becomes Sluggish
  • Remove Debris, Clean Pump And Weir Basket, Brush Walls And Floor Weekly

How To Calculate Your Pool’s Volume?

For How Long Should I Filter My Pool?

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